BPA 301 Public Finance

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide foundations for general understanding about public finance.


  1. Public finance and Theory: Concept and scope of public finance; Theory of public goods: Public goods/Private goods, Public sector /Private sector; Social wants and merit wants; Externalities; Public Goods and allocation of resources; Recent issues in public finance
  2. Government Revenue: Concept and sources of government revenues; Principle of taxation- Canons of taxation & Equity principles; Types of Taxation, Taxation & economic development
  3. Public Expenditure: Concept of public expenditure; Objectives of public expenditure; Principle of maximum social advantage;
  4. Public debt: Concept and sources of public debt; Need for public debt; Burden of public debt; Management of public debt
  5. Fiscal policy & Budget: Concept of fiscal policy & its importance; Concept of government budget; Budget cycle; Concepts of balanced vs deficit budget

BPA 302 International Administration

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the core aspects of international administration so that students can analyze the functioning of the contemporary international system. The course will also help students to identify emerging global issues faced by the present world. The course focuses on the dynamic nature of the subject matters.


  1. International administration- Concept, nature and scope; Modern state system; international organization; international law; international bureaucracy
  2. The United Nations System: The formation of the United Nations, its purpose, its function and its accomplishments and functioning; and role of specialized agencies
  3. Regionalism and Regional Organizations: European Union, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC); Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and OPEC
  4. Regional Cooperation in South Asia: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation  (SAARC); Economic cooperation, its achievement and constraints
  5. Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges of International Administration

BPA 303 Local Governance

Objective: The main objective of this course is to provide the theoretical understanding of local governance. In addition, it helps to provide the local planning and local resource mobilization and local human resource management.


  1. Local governance, its meaning and concept; level of governance; federalism and LG; Classification of LG;
  2. Local planning and resource mobilization- decentralized planning; community participation,
  3. Human Resource Management: Concept of human resource development and management at local level; Emergence of human resource system; Approaches of local personnel system; Role and importance of human resource at local governance level; Issues and challenges of personnel system in Nepal;
  4. Public private partnership in LG, Rural urban partnership in local governance.

BPA 304 Human Resource Management

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide better understanding on basic concepts of Human Resource Management. Furthermore, this study will be helpful to enhance knowledge on the various aspects of Human Resource Planning and Development approaches for the utilization of Human Resource skills for organizational effectiveness.


  1. Concept, characteristics, objectives and components of HRM. Emerging HR challenges.
  2. Human resource planning: assessing current HR, HRM inventory,
  3. HR information system, and succession planning. Job analysis: meaning, purpose, methods and techniques.
  4. Job design: concept and approaches.
  5. HR training and development.Career development.Rewards management.Employee grievances and disciplines.

BPA 305 Applied Statistics in Public Administration

Objective: This course objective is to know statistical tools, describe the social phenomena on the basis of quantitative fact,know quantitative technique and to describe social phenomena in quantitative way.


  1. Meaning nature and scope of statistics; Use of statistics; Importance of statistics; Limitation of statistics and data management.
  2. Measures of Central tendency, Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis
  3. Determining the Bi – Variate relationship: Correlation analysis; Regression analysis
  4. Analysis of time series: measurement of trends(Graphical, semi average, least square) & measurement of seasonal variation; Intrapolation & Extrapolation.
  5. Index Number:  Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s index number; Time reversal test and factor reversal test; Consumer’s price index number : Aggregative expenditure method, family budget method,  & Base shifting and deflating

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